Regnum Online Wiki
Goblin Creatures
Power: Crippling Strike Power Icon Crippling Strike

Goblins are short, thin and have sharp features. They have a cowardly nature and usually strike from the back or in higher numbers.

These little humanoids collect gems and other shiny objects they obtain from unwary travellers. Either by robbing people or assaulting caravans.

Goblin species

Goblin Warrior Master

Goblins are the species found in the Syrtis realm.


Level: 1
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Initiation Valley  

Goblin Warrior Apprentice

Level: 8
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Lam Island  

Goblin Shaman Apprentice

Level: 10
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Lam Island  

Goblin Chopper

Level: 14
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Sum Eyllis  

Goblin Shaman

Level: 19
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Mount Goblin  Syrtis Shield Icon Myil Forest  

Goblin Warrior Master

Level: 20
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Korsum's Surroundings  Syrtis Shield Icon Mount Goblin  Syrtis Shield Icon Myil Forest  Syrtis Shield Icon Northern Frontier  

Great Goblin Shaman

Level: 45
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Syrtis Shield Icon Elther Woods  

Savage Goblin

Level: 51
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Plains  Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Swamp  

Goblor species

Raider Goblor

Level: 1
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Skolheim Port  

Infiltrator Goblor

Level: 4
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Goblor Camp  
You must kill 5 Infiltrator Goblors in the Alsius quest Infiltrators

Goblor Lumberjack

Level: 15
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Frozen Wind Forest  
The Goblor Lumberjack is found in the Frozen Wind Forest around coordinates 1618,1925.

Goblor Guard Apprentice

Level: 19
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Snowy Rocks  Abandoned shelter

Goblor Guard

Level: 21
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Conflict Icon Aggersborg Surroundings  

Goblor Master Guard

Level: 27
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Conflict Icon Trelleborg Surroundings  Alsius Shield Icon Dvergardunn Ruins  Alsius Shield Icon Withering Heights  

Goblor Elite Guard

Level: 41
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Conflict Icon Rocky Pines  Alsius Shield Icon Frozen Wind Forest  

Gol-Tar species

Young Gol-Tar

Young Gol-Tar

Level: 9
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Mount's Oasis  Ignis Shield Icon Northern Mount  

Gol-Tar Guard Apprentice

Level: 29
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Samal Surroundings  

Gol-Tar Warrior Apprentice

Level: 30
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Ignis Peninsulae  

Gol-Tar Warrior Master

Level: 33
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Wall Desert  

Gol-Tar Master Guard

Level: 41
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Camp Desert  Ignis Shield Conflict Icon South Desert  Ignis Shield Conflict Icon Southwest Desert Forest  

Gol-Tar Elite Warrior

Level: 45
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Conflict Icon South Desert  

Krag species


Krag are the species found in the Ignis realm.

Krag Warrior

Level: ?
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Northern Slope  


Level: ?
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Northern Slope  

See also
