Regnum Online Wiki
Skeleton Creatures
Power: ?

Skeletons are the bones of fallen soldiers raise to fight one more time, either by magic or posession by spirits.

Skeleton species

Decayed Skeleton

Risen Miner

Level: 6
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Detour  Ignis Shield Icon Iron Mine  

Decayed Skeleton

Level: 7
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Lookout Points  Ignis Shield Icon Northern Mount  Ignis Shield Icon Northern Slope  

Old Skeleton

Level: 10
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Allahed's Monument  Ignis Shield Icon Altaruk City  Ignis Shield Icon Northern Ruins  


Level: 11
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Altaruk's Surroundings  Ignis Shield Icon Desert Door  Ignis Shield Icon Northern Ruins  

Ancient Skeleton

Level: 12
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Altaruk's Surroundings  Ignis Shield Icon Desert Door  

Skeleton Warrior(Creature)

Level: 25
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Ignis Shield Icon Ignean Ruins  Ignis Shield Icon Eastern Sands  
The Skeleton Warrior(Creature) differs from the Skeleton Warrior that previously could be summons by casting Summon Skeleton.

Snow Skeleton species

Old Snow Skeleton

Level: 3
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Berserkka Island  
175 HP

Ancient Snow Skeleton

Level: 7
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Crystal Valley  Alsius Shield Icon Eternal White Island  

Crew Member

Level: 7
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Ruins  

Thundermace's Escort

Level: 7
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Thundermace's Ruins  

Prime Officer

Level: 8
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Ruins  

Snow Skeleton Archer

Level: 32
This div is put in here to make sure the box expands to the full width possible. Therefore it needs enough text for at least one line on the page. This a really ugly hack so please replace with a better solution if you can. Thanks!
Found in: Alsius Shield Icon Hopstad's Coliseum  

See also
